Café LA

Your basic troubleshooting forum for all things FCP Legacy (FCP 7 and below.) And general discussion on topics that do not fit in the other forums.

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Subject Author Posted
Alex 06/28/2001 09:30AM
Richard Clark 07/01/2001 05:37PM
Alex 07/02/2001 03:31AM
Joseph Karr O'Connor 06/29/2001 09:39PM
steve martin 06/29/2001 09:57PM
Joseph Karr O'Connor 06/30/2001 12:14AM
steve martin 06/28/2001 11:47PM
Michael Horton 06/29/2001 04:01PM
Dyane 06/29/2001 02:24PM
Michael Horton 06/29/2001 04:00PM
Richard 06/27/2001 04:24PM
Michael Horton 06/27/2001 04:32PM
Dyane 06/29/2001 02:35PM
J 06/28/2001 07:10PM
steve martin 06/28/2001 11:50PM
Pierce 06/28/2001 11:03AM
Michael Horton 06/28/2001 06:27PM
Scott 06/28/2001 11:43AM
Ken Stone 06/28/2001 05:23PM
marcia ann 06/27/2001 04:32PM
Bijan Zahir 06/27/2001 06:14PM
Richard 06/28/2001 03:34PM
elaine 06/27/2001 08:24PM
Ruben 06/28/2001 01:23AM
Corey 06/28/2001 12:54AM
Corey 06/28/2001 12:53AM
oxyghen 06/26/2001 01:22AM
Michael Horton 06/26/2001 02:11AM
oxyghen 06/26/2001 03:26AM
ada 06/27/2001 03:00PM
Michael Horton 06/27/2001 03:15PM
Mike Vaillancourt 06/26/2001 03:42PM
Michael Horton 06/27/2001 10:24AM
michael grossman 06/27/2001 06:49AM
Michael Horton 06/27/2001 10:18AM
Nick 06/25/2001 12:32AM
Michael Horton 06/25/2001 01:29AM
Bill 06/26/2001 06:26PM
Michael Horton 06/26/2001 07:25PM
Bill 06/26/2001 08:14PM
Michael Horton 06/26/2001 08:43PM
Bill 06/26/2001 08:50PM
scott regier 06/26/2001 03:41PM
Dougie 06/25/2001 09:10PM
Michael Horton 06/25/2001 11:43PM
Dougie 06/25/2001 11:59PM
Michael Horton 06/26/2001 01:05AM
Dougie 06/26/2001 09:02AM
Ruben 06/26/2001 01:50AM
Michael Horton 06/26/2001 02:12AM
Michael Horton 06/24/2001 12:05PM
Bill Davis 06/24/2001 10:31PM
Michael Horton 06/24/2001 11:32PM
kevin 06/25/2001 08:26PM
Chriss Coe 06/26/2001 02:11AM
gary weimberg 06/25/2001 12:19PM
Michael Horton 06/25/2001 08:17PM



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