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WAY OT: mouse out of gas...Posted by wayne granzin
My new (almost two weeks) Mighty Mouse isn't running properly all the time either. The sideways scroll often just conks out, *not* fixable by an unplug/replug. It's probably because despite Apple's claim that it works on all OSX systems, they failed to mention that the new application for accessing all of the Mighty Mouse's controls is only for Tiger. Grrr.
In your case, Wayne, could it be a USB power issue?
You know I have a similar case as you (even worst).
My G5 get crash so often when run with the Adobe Illustrator. Finally, I found that the problem come from the old set of the USB mosue & keyboard (that original come with my G4). After I replace them to the new keyboard/mouse set that come with the G5 box, everything back to normal=) I don't know why but that is the fact. Good Luck, Antonio
My own monitor doesn't have a USB jack, but when I used the Apple widescreen monitors on two jobs, whenever the mouse and keyboard were connected, my USB flash stick would only mount once, at most, if I plugged it into the monitor jack. I had to use the USB ports on the CPU itself. Definite power issue on that one.
"WOW, this is all good info! i just set up a friends brand new g5 with a wireless logitec mouse and the system
seems a bit shakey..." Yep, I helped a friend who insisted on a wireless set up and on his system the keyboard functions you take for granted were very funky. Apple "s" wouldn't save, apple "q" wouildn't quit. He has to use "control" s or whatever. I tried to get him to change, but he likes the wireless feature and sticks with it even though it causes problems. Kevin "A problem can never be solved by the same consciousness that created it" Einstein
I LOVE my wireless optical from Logitech, they're all I use. Yes, strobey weirdness occurs for no clear reason.
Often a simple unlplug/replug of the broadcast unit clears it up. Sometimes I need to bring the mouse close to the broadcaster to say "hello" and it erks up again. Sometimes the batteries are borderline. Sometimes a process interferes with the USB port-- like another USB device. Could be anything like this... sunspots... or black helicopters hovering ... - Loren Today's FCP 5 keytip: Apply default Video Transition: Command-T. Apply Default AUDIO Transition: Command-Option-T ! The FCP 5 KeyGuide?: your power placemat. Now available at KeyGuide Central www.neotrondesign.com
Last week my Mighty Mouse stopped scrolling down. With no recovery in sight, Apple Support put the mouse through a couple of tests over the phone, then called for a medic. They replaced it (they wanted the limping rodent returned for post op). Since receiving the Son of Mighty, all is well again.
Glad I took someone's advice here and started using the Wacom pen with FCP. Kuhnen InterMountain Digital
I use my 5-button programmable cordless batteryless mouse with my Wacom Tablet. No flakey flashing, scroll wheel works perfectly. I can RIGHT-click for contextual Menus (which I love). Smooth as silk for editing.
...and it comes FREE with the tablet! - Joey When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade. ![]()
The right button on the Mighty Mouse SUCKS. And since I can't use the application that came with it, I'm stuck with the right button. I do enjoy the ability to scroll up and down as well as sideways, but why they hell didn't they just give us proper buttons?
Circular mice...they still give me nightmares. "Ben, the two of us need look no more..."
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