Field Dominance issues with sequences

Posted by jwedit 
Field Dominance issues with sequences
February 14, 2006 10:29AM
By default my sequences are set to a field dominance of lower field first. When I make a title in FCP or import a still and resize it I get a lot of shakyness and jagged edges with this setting. If I change the dominance to none the problem is fixed, but both lower and upper fields give me a problem. What is the reason for this? Is there a way to get these images to look good while using fields or just change a setting to make both interlace footage and non interlaced titles and stills to look good?
Anonymous User
Re: Field Dominance issues with sequences
February 14, 2006 10:54AM
What version FCP you using?

Re: Field Dominance issues with sequences
February 14, 2006 11:36AM
FCP 5 HD. What I'm wondering is if the field dominance only effects final cut generated material and if you bring a field rendered object from After effects if it will still see the fields? Is that what this option does?
I am having the same problem with Animation QuickTime GFX. Also using FCP 5. FCP is convrting my GFX...
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