Copy/Paste from Seq 1 to Seq 2

Posted by MikeDerk 
Copy/Paste from Seq 1 to Seq 2
February 15, 2006 03:09AM
I'm wondering if there is a way to copy something from one sequence and place it anywhere you want on a second sequence.

When I try this, I find that things want to go onto the same track they've come from, which can sometimes mean landing on something else and erasing it.

For a single clip, using "find matching frame" would work, but it's not exactly "cut and paste." And it wouldn't work for multiple clips on different tracks. Drag and drop works, but it's not always convenient.

Any thoughts?

Re: Copy/Paste from Seq 1 to Seq 2
February 15, 2006 04:03AM
> When I try this, I find that things want to go onto the same track they've
> come from, which can sometimes mean landing on something else and
> erasing it.

The location of the Paste operation depends on the Auto-Select buttons -- the black dots to the right of your track names. If all the black dots are selected, the tracks follow a natural hierarchy -- V1 takes precedence over V2, V2 over V3, etc. To target a certain track for the Paste, not only must the desired destination track be the first black dot (ie. if you're trying to paste to V3, V1 and V2's Auto-Select buttons must be off), but you must also "trigger" the buttons. Do this by *de-selecting* V1 and V2 -- the shortcut is APPLE-1, 2, 3 on the right number pad (corresponding to whatever track number you're toggling). If you already have V3 as the first active track, then you must first de-select V3 (APPLE-3), then re-select it (APPLE-3 again).

The shortcuts for the audio Auto-Select buttons are OPTION-1, 2, 3 (right-side number pad).
Re: Copy/Paste from Seq 1 to Seq 2
February 15, 2006 10:20AM
I'll try that. Thanks.

This is the first use I've ever seen mentioned of those buttons. (I'm sure they do more, and are great once you understand them.)

Re: Copy/Paste from Seq 1 to Seq 2
February 15, 2006 10:35AM
"those buttons"... love 'em or hate 'em, they're the cause of a lot of confusion for editors transitioning into FCP from Avid. It takes awhile to get the hang of what they do.

Re: Copy/Paste from Seq 1 to Seq 2
February 15, 2006 11:15AM
I know the buttons pretty well and I still consider them something of a pain. Very often, rather than muck with Auto-Select, I simply perform a Paste Insert (SHIFT-V) on a part of the timeline with no overlapping audio/graphics overlays, and then move the objects around by hand.
Re: Copy/Paste from Seq 1 to Seq 2
February 16, 2006 12:53PM
I was gonna say the exact same thing. More often than not, I just hit END to get to a clip-free part, paste, and then move and fine tune manually
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