fcp installer disc

Posted by cynthia 
fcp installer disc
February 15, 2006 07:11PM
my fcp hd was crashing all the time so i tried to reinstall from the cd and when i hit install, it freezes and goes to the color wheel. what do I do? i tried cleaning the disc, will final cut give me a new disc? help!
Re: fcp installer disc
February 15, 2006 08:44PM
I had something similar with my DVDSP.
Called Apple and they did help me solve the problem without receiving a new disk.

It is a different program but you can try what they had me to.

Go under a different user name in my case had to created a different user in the system.
Then checked to see if DVDSP would run fine under that new user.
It did so they narrowed it down to my preferences. Had me return back to my user name, threw that preferences in the trash and poof I was back up and running fine.

I remember a few versions back that was a common thing to throw your prefs in the trash.
Might want to give it a shot.

Hope that helps

Re: fcp installer disc
February 16, 2006 04:26PM
Try to copy the disk to the desktop, if it works you will be able to install FCP.

Rui Barros
Editor Colorist Trainer
Lisbon, Portugal
RTP Post-Production
Apple Certified Trainer FCP 7
Apple Certified Pro FCP 7
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