acheiving clean text in an uncompressed sequence?

Posted by paul 
hey there,

trying to acheive 'non video looking' text in FCP. the kind of look that you get when you place a deinterlace filter on your moving text - this achieves the look of the movement but causes artifacts around the edges which defeats the whole point of using an uncompressed sequence.

anyone got any tips on getting the look from a deinterlace filter without the ugly edges? ive tried adding a 1 pixel gaussian blur but it doesnt really help.


using FCP 4.5 with Cinewave 4.7
Re: acheiving clean text in an uncompressed sequence?
May 05, 2005 11:58AM
What program are you using? FCP's text generator? Use Title 3 D instead.

Michael Horton
hey michael

i get the same results wether i use title 3d or livetype (i never go near FCP's native titler!!!)

text is fine without artifacts before filters are added - specifically im talking about when you add a deinterlace or a 2 frame strobe - both these filters give the movement feel im after but end up giving me horrible artifacts.

do you get what I mean in regards to acheiving titles that dont have the 'video look' ie they are too clean and dont sit in well with the rest of the picture?

its trying to get the film look but with text
Re: acheiving clean text in an uncompressed sequence?
May 05, 2005 12:13PM
oh....well. me thinks you got to do a little experimenting. Might try Nattress's filters and run the titles through one of his presets. Haven't a clue what it might look like though. I'd play a lot if I were you. Might wait for one of the graphics gurus to look into this post.

AE might be way to go

thanks michael

its one of my few annoyances with FCP - when you create titles in AE they just look way cooler - i dont know what process gets done to them via that program but they just look better....problem is i hate AE - would love to get the same look but stay in FCP

any graphics gurus got any tips?
Re: acheiving clean text in an uncompressed sequence?
May 05, 2005 04:13PM
Paul -

The 3-D text are vector - so resolution independent and as clean as you can get. Why are you strobing or de-interlacing them? that's a guarantee of trouble in most cases.

At a guess you going for a jittery mod look to the text?

Are you using the free styles presets as a starting point? you can get great stuff. You're not going to get the sophisticated text animation you will with Livetype, but that's doable manually in FCP with a little compositing. Just build your jitter set, nest them and repeat the nest.

3-d text is TRULY 3-d. Go ahead and mess with negative and positive z space.

Here's something to consider - found this out by accident

Live Type's Default aspect ration size does NOT default to DV (720by 480)
but to Standard NTSC resolution (720 x 486)

So when it's brought into a DV Timeline - it gets squished a bit and loses some of it's "punch"

In Livetype - go Edit/project properties and change the preset to NTSC DV - that might be part of the problem you're having

Or better yet - Use Boris Red's titling -

"anyone got any tips on getting the look from a deinterlace filter without the ugly edges? ive tried adding a 1 pixel gaussian blur but it doesnt really help."

try the donation-ware BLEND FIELDS filter from Too Much Too Soon:


it works for me..

Re: acheiving clean text in an uncompressed sequence?
May 05, 2005 07:20PM
Thats a good tip Andy

Can I use it?

Michael Horton
Michael - go ahead - that will make the official tally:

Michael tips from Andy - 1
Andy Tips from Michael's web site 10 to the 8th power!


thanks nick

the blend fields filter seems to have helped a lot - ive had those little norwegian filters sitting on my machine for ages and hadnt really used them other than the obvious ones....thanks for the tip!!!
swedish actually. glad to hear that you found them useful though. :-)



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