Sony HVR-A1U

Posted by hd 
Sony HVR-A1U
September 30, 2005 03:03PM
Has anyone used the HVR-A1U yet? It looks pretty cool to me, given it's limitations. Just wondering what folks think of the output and useability, especually of the zoom/focus controls.


Anonymous User
Re: Sony HVR-A1U
September 30, 2005 05:58PM
If you just google HVR-A1U you will find numerous reviews. Image looks great on these cams, they are just damn tough to edit with, at least on FCP. Consensus for most folks is to get out of mpeg-2 as soon as possible when going to edit.

There are numerous HDV forums on the net you should look at

Re: Sony HVR-A1U
October 01, 2005 05:36AM
Hi, Mike,

Thanks for the response.

I have only found one actual hands-on review by Douglas Spotted Eagle, posted to a million locations. And I had been sort of warned about HDV editing by my vendor, but nothing too specific. HDV/MPEG-2 being what it is, it seems like a miracle to edit it at all. I'd think converting to QT would be a better solution, but I'll look into it further.

But what I'm actually looking for is an inexpensive camera (since I find myself a student again for the millionth time) than can shoot a really good 16:9 image to SD. If I had my druthers I'd wait for the Panasonic P2 camcorder, but time and graded projects wait for no man, and it's a little pricey for me anyhow.

thanks mucho,

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