need a 2nd monitor card

Posted by Jeff 
need a 2nd monitor card
October 12, 2005 03:00AM

I am trying to learn FCP. Usually work on AVID. I have FCP 4, on a power PC G4, 400 mz, 448 mb SDRAM. OS X.3

I can't stand being on one monitor. freaking me out!

what video card do I need to buy? where can get it? used? trade? I don't care.

Thanks for any help.

As opposed to getting 30" monitor and spreading out -- I heard that the Mac I had couldn't push the resolution of the monitor. I guess I'm stuck with gettting a second monitor card?

Re: need a 2nd monitor card
October 12, 2005 09:35AM
i have an ati radeon 9800pro mac edition and the card itself supports two monitors.
its an AGP card. its pushing two dell flat panels. a 24" and a 19"

i think your machine has a 2x agp graphic card slot and that appears to be ok for this card. you can buy them new anywhere new for under $300 or then there is always ebay..
Re: need a 2nd monitor card
October 12, 2005 11:16AM
You're not going to get very far on a single processor G4. It's maybe ok for learning some of the basics, but you're missing a lot of functionality and all of the better codecs. Before putting money into a graphics card, I'd use the bucks towards a new machine.

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