Adding JPEG files that look loke text/lines

Posted by NewsBs 
I am adding JPEG files that look like text from a book. They look great in Motion but when I export them to a .mov file they are jagged. De-interlacing them came to mind so I looked that up on page 793/794 and it told me to open Preferences and go to 3rd Party filters that I cannot find. Do I need to download these files? I also hit cmd J to turn up my anti-aliasing and this did not remedy the problem. I also took the file into Photoshop for de-interlacing and this was no help.

Thank you for your help!
Re: Adding JPEG files that look loke text/lines
March 04, 2006 05:17PM
for any of the FCP filters, go to the Effects tab of your browser.

you can get to them via the Effects Menu as well, but i find the browser a better place for exploring.

de-interlace is in hte "Video" section,
and you can do an Apple F to find things in there


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