HVX piggybacked on a varicam shoot

Posted by Mikey 
HVX piggybacked on a varicam shoot
March 10, 2006 08:18PM
Im b-roll shooter on a varicam shoot this weekend - the DP is shooting in 24P 720 - The footage will be cut in FCP - on a varicam, is there the option to shoot 24P and 24PA ? I ask this because I'm trying to decide if I should shoot in 24P or 24PN on my HVX

Re: HVX piggybacked on a varicam shoot
March 10, 2006 10:47PM
You really should be shooting the exact same format that the Varicam is shooting. If it is shooting 720p24 24PN, then shoot 24PN. If he is only shooting 720p24 60p...or whatever setting....you need to match it exactly. Don't shoot a different format or different rate or the editor will hate your guts.
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