P2 workflow
March 11, 2006 06:43AM
Does anyone know of a good P2 workflow tutorial for us FCPusers?
Re: P2 workflow
March 11, 2006 10:06AM
check out Shane Ross's video tutorial at

(it is going to updated with some extra logging bin info when Shane sends me the next video but the basics are there)

David at Movies Rock in Toronto
Re: P2 workflow
March 11, 2006 11:20AM
Apple has a white paper on this that I found somewhere. E-mail me and I'll send it to you.

All the best,

Re: P2 workflow
March 11, 2006 11:00PM
What I've seen so far indicates P2 cards will fit in a standard PCMCIA Type 2 slot and allow you to read media files right in.

They are still too expensive for ordinary mortals. The 8 GB highest storage value offered by Panasonic goes for 2 grand-- each. That's insane. As I understand it these are standard flash memory chips a la iPod Nano, wired together, so it's inevitable the costs come down soon. But for 6K, this is definitely a camera system to look at. The attraction is the P2 speed, the distraction is the need to clear a card to an archive disk to keep shooting,or be forced to buy more P2.

The new HVX200 allows 2 of those-- 90 minutes of standard DV, much less for HD flavors. Its bigger brother allows 6 or 8, forget which.

Stuff to cogitate upon.

And just when I was starting to get comfortable wth SATA II, now I hear about SaSCSI!!! (Serial Attached SCSI).

- Loren
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