weird blur title

Posted by digitalfilmmaker 
weird blur title
May 07, 2006 10:48AM
the text in my ending credits (white font on black background) is kinda blur. i had the same problem a while ago with very small font but i could fix it by making it a little bigger. but this time it doen't work, no matter what the size is, it's blur.
any suggestions?
Re: weird blur title
May 07, 2006 11:30AM
Are you editing in DV format? DV is never very good with text. It has problems with small font sizes and thin font sizes. It sounds to me like you have a font that just isn't going to work. I would switch to a different font altogether; one that isn't too thin.

Re: weird blur title
May 07, 2006 11:59AM
Are you watching on an external monitor? You can't gauge effects on the Canvas -- any effect requiring a render will look blurry.
Re: weird blur title
May 07, 2006 12:36PM
dv format yeah. i tried to switch another font. no i'm not watching on an external monitor, but i exported the vid as a quicktime movie, same result...
Re: weird blur title
May 07, 2006 12:41PM
yeah derek you were right i checked on my camera lcd screen and the text is sharp but will the quicktime movie be sharp too?
Anonymous User
Re: weird blur title
May 07, 2006 01:08PM
You have to change the default playback in QT to be high quality.

I think it's in the preferences...anyone know for sure?

Re: weird blur title
May 07, 2006 01:12PM
> i checked on my camera lcd screen and the text is sharp but will the
> quicktime movie be sharp too? can't use a camera to check for quality, either. LCD screens, being small and concentrated, will give a false impression of your footage.

At the very least, hook up a TV set to your camera's outputs (probably S-Video or RCA) and check there.
Re: weird blur title
May 07, 2006 08:34PM
DV QT files need to be set to "High Quality" otherwise text will look blurry.

open the file,
open Movie Properties (Apple J) (under the windows menu)

select the Video Track,
go to Visual Settings.

it;s in there, bottom right.

if you plan to have a TAPE master, though,
then gotta monitor on a decent TV at least.


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