fluorescent flicker

Posted by Murray 
fluorescent flicker
March 11, 2006 07:11PM
I'm hoping someone out there can help me reduce or get rid of fluorescent light flicker. I shot a series of interviews in England recently with a PD 170 ntsc lit by tungsten light but there must have been enough spill from some background fluorsecent lights. Is there anything I can do? I've tried playing with the de-flicker and de-interlace filters with only slight improvement.

Greg Kozikowski
Re: fluorescent flicker
March 11, 2006 10:25PM
<<<Is there anything I can do? >>>

Pretty much no. You have periodic frames where the video in a portion of the picture is slightly higher and then lower than the others.

If someone held a gun to your head, you could, frame by frame, mask the areas damaged and change the video gain until they matched all the other frames. You will almost certainly need color correction as well.

It should only take you months.

Did you have a real television monitor on the set? That would have warned you of this problem. Camera viewfinders don't always tell you enough to keep you out of trouble.


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