PLEASE HELP! 24p Question

Posted by xscottdx 
PLEASE HELP! 24p Question
July 26, 2006 08:41AM
I have a client coming in who did an offline edit from DV transfers (original footage shot on DVCPRO HD 23.98). He wants to online, reload all his footage using the original HD tapes. The only problem is his sequence was edited 29.97. He wants his final output to be 23.98. I am guessing we are gonna have a problem when I re-batch all his footage (23.98) in that 29.97 sequence. Any suggestion on how to get this sequence to a 23.98 sequence?

Re: PLEASE HELP! 24p Question
July 26, 2006 12:26PM
Hey Scott,

I saw your post earlier and really wish I could help, but I couldn't give you info on this one. The person who could possibly best help you would be Greame Nattress. You could locate him on one of the previous post and maybe try emailing him directly. Hopefully he has just been missing your post and will be able to help.

Steven Gladney

Sometimes the obvious is hidden in plain view.
Re: PLEASE HELP! 24p Question
July 27, 2006 01:37AM
If your client can provide you with a 30fps EDL, you can convert it to 24fps with Cinema Tools. That's exactly the job the EDL convert tool was designed to do.

Okay, 29.97 to 23.98, but you know that.

By the way, you can copy and paste the sound from the 29.97 to the 23.98 project so you don't have to conform the audio.

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