
Posted by Arod 
November 03, 2006 12:29PM
So I have this construction timelaps (about 10 thousand or so images) from May to October - What would be the best way to create a movie out of this. I haven't tried it, but....would FCP5.1 be able to import that many images?
or is there a better way to do this in FCP

Re: TimeLapse
November 03, 2006 09:01PM
Are the images numbered? If they are - that is, if they are, for e.g. image00001.tiff, image00002.tiff and so on, you could theorietically import them as a folder, then dump the folder on the timeline and they would all appear in order. Theoretically.

In practice, 10,000 images sounds like a lot to get going all at once. I would import them in blocks - so - maybe in weeks at a time or something?

Are they still images?

Also, are they prepped for FCP? Or are they too big/too small/wrong format/CMYK etc?

Re: TimeLapse
November 03, 2006 10:17PM
Use the import image sequence in Quicktime to make them into movies that you can import into FCP.


Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: TimeLapse
November 04, 2006 11:48PM
Do you have after effects? I haven't done this particular workflow, but I would imagine it would be easier in AE than FCP.
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