aiff droplet question for Nick Meyers....

Posted by frankpledge 
hi there,

i love the droplet thing as i find itunes tedious. i set mine up following your instructions, but i have an issue that, frankly, i don't understand because i don't know entirely what i did.

the long and the short of it is - i drag and drop the mp3 onto the droplet on my desktop and everything does exactly as it should except that the pull down on the top of the droplet window: "cluster" is greyed out with 'not found'. i did something wrong/overlooked something, but as i said, i don't have a concept as to what i would have overlooked cuz i....don't know what i did to make the droplet other than follow your (excellent) directions..

thanks so much!
Re: aiff droplet question for Nick Meyers....
March 27, 2006 08:23PM
are you running a CLUSTER (multiple computers connected to speed up compression (QMASTER)?

David at Movies Rock in Toronto
no. at least i shouldn't be. i once tinkered with qmaster just to see what it's about, but never got very far. is it possible that it's somehow turned 'on'?

Re: aiff droplet question for Nick Meyers....
March 28, 2006 03:58PM
hi frank.

sounds a bit odd.
i don't really know what's happening there, either.
in my droplets, "Cluster" is not greyed out, but i only have the one option: This Computer.
not so surprising as i don't have any clusters set up,
and right now i've only got the one computer turned on.

i notice in compressor that the Cluster pulldown (bottom left) has a lock next to it.
the lock is greyed out in mine.
maybe you've locked yours somehow?
(i'm really grasping at straws here!)

if everything is working correctly, though, i guess it's not a real problem?

all the best,


i think i played around with q-master and now i'm paying for it. there's a button somewhere to turn it off. but....where...

great tutorial/idea/droplet though!
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