720p -> DV -> BetaSP: bad?

Posted by rodmonkey 
720p -> DV -> BetaSP: bad?
March 04, 2007 12:07PM
I've recently shot my first project with the HVX200, and I understand about editing in 720p and downconverting at the last minute. But here's the rub: I'll need to dub the final spot onto an Ampex CVR-70 BetaSP for broadcast (analog only inputs), and the only way I've got currently to get images out is DV over Firewire through a Datavideo DAC-10. So my final sequence will have to be DV.

Would I get better output if I downconverted to an uncompressed sequence and output through a card like the Decklink SP? A friend of mine who's a retired video engineer insists that the artifacts in BetaSP will make the extra expense moot and that I'm better off staying with the DV workflow, but I hate to see those lovely 720p shots go all furry if there's a way to prevent it.

Rod Rich
Re: 720p -> DV -> BetaSP: bad?
March 04, 2007 12:34PM
Get a capture card. Best to get one that can downconvert HD to SD...which all HD cards do. I highly recommend the AJA Kona LH, but if you are on a budget, the Decklink HD Extreme will be fine.

Converting to DV REALLY lowers the quality. DV is of lower quality than betaSP. But...going from 720p to SD will definately soften your footage.


Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: 720p -> DV -> BetaSP: bad?
March 04, 2007 01:15PM
Thanks, Shane!

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