Mysterious Black "X" in White Circle

Posted by stubbyno2 
Mysterious Black "X" in White Circle
March 04, 2007 04:28AM
This is a hard topic to search for!

I am working in my viewer adjusting a motion path. As I go to re-size a clip, a black "x" in a white circle pops up in the upper right. FCP apparently doesn't like me doing something, but I don't know what I'm doing!

Any clues?

thanks from Warm Taipei!

Re: Mysterious Black "X" in White Circle
March 04, 2007 05:57AM
It just means that FCP needs a second to get its head together, and what you are currently seeing in the canvas might not be the final result. If you wait a couple of seconds it will update and the black cross will go away.

It also means that you are doing work that exceeds your computer's ability to handle it. You might want to look at some kind of upgrade - even just some more RAM if you've not got much of that.

Re: Mysterious Black "X" in White Circle
March 04, 2007 02:25PM
You are kind, Jude. Thank you - I saw it came and went and thought it was due to my continued jiggering. Hmm, have 2.5 gigs of RAM... methinks one of my processors is acting funny. One will say 100%, and the other will read 4%...

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