2 ?s: 1) import XML into a *specific* bin and 2) matchframe multiclip

Posted by Superdude 
2 ?s: 1) import XML into a *specific* bin and 2) matchframe multiclip
April 30, 2007 08:23PM
Dumb question but can't find it posted in FAQS....

- I'm importing XMLS and instead of importing into the bin I have open, it just dumps the files into the "name"/first level. I have a lot of files/folders and to hunt down all the imports is inefficient.

Also, how do you matchframe a multiclip so that it pulls up the original source file? View/match frame/source files doesn't work.

a million thanks in advance...
Re: 2 ?s: 1) import XML into a *specific* bin and 2) matchframe multiclip
April 30, 2007 09:06PM
XML: import into a new project, then copy paste into the bin you want in your original project.

Match Frame to Multiclip:
the function exists, but is not mapped to any specific key.
you need to map it yourself.
i map it to "f"
the normal matchframe function still works when using this command on non-multiclips

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