Exporting M2V- can't find the audio...

Posted by TimJBD 
Exporting M2V- can't find the audio...
June 03, 2007 11:59AM
I am not terribly familiar with using Compressor so I've been trying to export an M2V from my timeline- which will then be FTP'ed- but even though I've saved the thing to my desktop, I'll be damned if I can find the audio.

I just exported an AIFF from the timeline as a workaround but there must have been some reason my audio didn't travel with the video. Any ideas?
Re: Exporting M2V- can't find the audio...
June 03, 2007 12:51PM
It's possible to tell Compressor not to produce the audio file. Audio has its own panel and lots of options.

You know sound is a separate file, right? These are the MPEG2 elemental streams and the sound is separate.

Re: Exporting M2V- can't find the audio...
June 03, 2007 04:50PM
Thanks Koz. I didn't have the "multiplexed audio" thingy checked.
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