Can't capture HD footy from Canon XH A1 onto FCP5 !! PLEASE HELP !!

Posted by CHR12G 
Can't capture HD footy from Canon XH A1 onto FCP5 !! PLEASE HELP !!
June 24, 2007 02:54AM
How do I capture HDV 24f (Canon XH A1) without down converting to SD. My iMovie HD can capture my HD footage, so I figured FCP would have no problem doing it.
I can dwn-convert it, but then why would I even shoot in HD if it's going to be captured in SD.

I know I'm doing something wrong....I've edited HD footage on my FCP, but it was captured on someone else's Mac & external hard drive.
When I try to capture, I either get an error message stating unable to locate timecode or WAITING FOR DATA FROM DEVICE. That's with an easy set-up for HD 1080 60i.

I've searched the CAFE LA forum and the FAQ forums....nothing.

Please Help !
Re: Can't capture HD footy from Canon XH A1 onto FCP5 !! PLEASE HELP !!
June 24, 2007 03:56PM
I capture 25f (i'm in PAL land)from my A1 no problem. I do not have a Kona/blackmagic or whatever.
If you're using the easy setup for 1080i you're using the incorrect setting.
There IS an HDV 24p setting and that's the one you should be using.
Apart from using the wrong easy setup you also may need to upgrade to the 5.1.4 version of FCP.
Apart from that i can't see where you could be going wrong.
Re: Can't capture HD footy from Canon XH A1 onto FCP5 !! PLEASE HELP !!
June 24, 2007 07:01PM
Thanks to both.....

Hey Don,

Can you please walk me thru it...
Re: Can't capture HD footy from Canon XH A1 onto FCP5 !! PLEASE HELP !!
June 25, 2007 05:10AM
Not much to walk you through really. Go to file - Easy Setup and choose the option HDV - 1080p 24 setting. By all means get back to me if this doesn't work but i don't see why you should have a problem. Just make sure you'[re using at least the 5.1.2 version of FCP as the earlier versions did not have support for Canons 24f(p)) shooting mode.

BTW If you go over to and click on the discussion forum there's a whole section devoted to the A1 and G1 Canon cameras with vast amounts of info on everything you could possibley want to know. There are also downloadable presets ( I reccommend the VIVIDRGB one) for your A1.

Good luck.
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