broken / stuck harddrive ??? repairable?

Posted by mrshow555 
broken / stuck harddrive ??? repairable?
July 20, 2007 04:08AM
I have an internal harddrive on one of our machines that stopped working (early iMac G5 PowerPC) and we keep getting the folder icon.

We think the harddrive is stuck because it's clicking. We tried removing in and placing it in an external casing to no avail.

We're trying the freezer trick, but just in case that doesn't work does anyone know of a good/cheap service that repairs frozen harddrives? We have some data that we NEED to get off of there.

Re: broken / stuck harddrive ??? repairable?
July 20, 2007 12:42PM
Did you try leaving it powered off for a half-hour? That resets any internal thermal fuses.

This is one posting we did a while back. There were two.


Re: broken / stuck harddrive ??? repairable?
July 20, 2007 01:11PM
yeah we left it off for a few days and still nothing. We were in the middle of switching over the files to a new iMac via Migration Assistant when we encountered a transfer error. So we tried again and nothing. Then the old computer wouldn't boot up and we got the folder icon screen. Now we're trying to save the info off the hard drive before it's too late.
Re: broken / stuck harddrive ??? repairable?
July 20, 2007 08:11PM
Is this the same address? I know we talked about this twice.


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