Help! Tranferring big project on Media Manager Crashed FCP3

Posted by dmoneil 
Help! Tranferring big project on Media Manager Crashed FCP3
February 28, 2008 10:58PM

I was transferring a 250gb project spread out over four internal hard drives from my OS9 G4 FCP3 to an external fire wire drive so I can move it to my MacBook Pro.

The process said it would take 4 days and 4 days into it (240gb already transferred) FCP crashed. Is there anyway I can finish transferring (copying over) this project without starting over??? Worried that the same thing would happen...

thank you,

Re: Help! Tranferring big project on Media Manager Crashed FCP3
February 28, 2008 11:24PM
> The process said it would take 4 days and 4 days into it (240gb already transferred) FCP crashed.
> Is there anyway I can finish transferring (copying over) this project without starting over???

The files that have finished copying should stay intact. However, before you proceed, run Disk Utility and DiskWarrior on the target drive -- a stalled/crashed/aborted copy process can be due to a drive issue, or can cause one, such as directory corruption.

There's no fast way to determine which file it was copying when the crash happened, though, so you'll have to look carefully to see which files are copied and which aren't. Most importantly, the file that was copying as the crash happened is probably corrupt -- you'll likely get an incomplete "dummy" file on the target drive that has the name and possibly icon of the original file, but not (all) the contents. Cross-check carefully and find the file that's smaller on the target drive and bigger on the original drive.

This is one case where a manual copy in OS would have been much less tricky than using Media Manager.
Re: Help! Tranferring big project on Media Manager Crashed FCP3
February 29, 2008 12:36AM
Hi Derek,

Thank you for your insight. When I update the project from FCP3 to FCP5 on my MacBookPro are the files going to link or am I going to have to reconnect the footage?

Thanks again,

Re: Help! Tranferring big project on Media Manager Crashed FCP3
February 29, 2008 09:56AM
When you say you have a "250gb project spread out over four internal hard drives" I'm assuming that's not the FCP project file size but that you have 250GB of media.

If this is the case, the amount of time it takes to transfer your assets should be measured in hours, not days.

Derek is right, transfer over your assets manually then re-link your FCP project, that process will let you know if you missed anything. But this should only take a couple of hours.
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