Importing Progressive footage from After Effects

Posted by Mack Truck 
Importing Progressive footage from After Effects
May 13, 2008 07:22AM
Everytime I render progressive footage in After Effect it is interpreted with a field dominance (upper) once imported into FCP. I can't find how to set this in the prefs... Just have to change it once it's been imported in the browser. Any idea ?
Re: Importing Progressive footage from After Effects
May 13, 2008 09:34AM
I understand the footage is progressive but is the Comp in AE also progressive or is it set to upper?
Re: Importing Progressive footage from After Effects
May 13, 2008 10:30AM
Nope, the comp is progressive, and so is the rendered file. I just don't get why FCP guessed its interlaced...
Re: Importing Progressive footage from After Effects
May 13, 2008 10:50AM
lhdor12 Wrote:
> I understand the footage is progressive but is the
> Comp in AE also progressive or is it set to upper?

Field order is no an attribute of a comp in AE. A comp is neither progressive nor interlaced, you choose in the render queue how After Effects should calculate field order (or not at all) when rendering the comp.

Wes Plate
Automatic Duck, Inc.
Re: Importing Progressive footage from After Effects
May 13, 2008 10:52AM
Mack Truck Wrote:
> Everytime I render progressive footage in After
> Effect it is interpreted with a field dominance
> (upper) once imported into FCP. I can't find how
> to set this in the prefs... Just have to change it
> once it's been imported in the browser. Any idea ?

I suspect FCP assumes all 29.97fps or 25fps media is interlaced, which makes sense in a way.
Re: Importing Progressive footage from After Effects
May 13, 2008 11:08AM
My bad. What I mean is that the render settings was set to Progressive (field render is off).
I have noticed it depends on the codec: with Animation, FCP sets the field dominance to interlanced, but with ProRes it's progressive.
So I guess FCP assumes the field dominance according to the codec...
Re: Importing Progressive footage from After Effects
May 13, 2008 11:10AM
Mack Truck Wrote:
> So I guess FCP assumes the field dominance
> according to the codec...

Yeah, I'm sure that's part of the calculation. Good call.

Wes Plate
Automatic Duck, Inc.
Re: Importing Progressive footage from After Effects
May 14, 2008 07:58AM
> So I guess FCP assumes the field dominance
> according to the codec...

Yup. FCP doesn't "sense" field dominance, so on occasions it is known to set it wrong.
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