OT: store in L.A. for unique cables/adapters

Posted by John K 
OT: store in L.A. for unique cables/adapters
May 14, 2006 04:13PM
I need to get a special cable to run a lav mic into a DVX100B: XLR plug to mini jack. I've seen this cable in a specialty catalog but I was hoping to get one at a store before I leave on a trip. No joy at either of the Guitar Centers or Radio Shacks that I checked out. Do you guys know if any of the equipment houses here carry specialty cables?

Re: OT: store in L.A. for unique cables/adapters
May 14, 2006 04:22PM
Have you tried Pacific Radio? Open Mon - Fri.
Re: OT: store in L.A. for unique cables/adapters
May 14, 2006 07:42PM
PAC radio is good.

Here's some more.

Fry's Electronics (Everywhere)

Electronic City (Burbank)

Location Sound services (Burbank)

Ametron (Hollywood)

All these places should carry that adaptor.

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