Facility that rents FCP systems

Posted by JoeE 
Facility that rents FCP systems
May 23, 2006 11:12AM
Can anyone recommend a place that rents and supports FCP systems for feature films (Los Angeles)?
Re: Facility that rents FCP systems
May 23, 2006 11:28AM
Plastercity Post: www.plastercitypost.com
Digital Film Tree: www.digitalfilmtree.com
Anonymous User
Re: Facility that rents FCP systems
May 23, 2006 11:48AM
Actually DFT doesn't rent anymore unless they started doing it again. Dr Group in Culver City does. So does mac enthusiasts in Santa Monica. Plus I see on the google ads her on the Cafe www.videogearsource.com rents. Don't know them though

Re: Facility that rents FCP systems
May 23, 2006 11:57AM
Ah...Didn't know DFT stopped.

And I forgot the DR Group. WHY when I have a buddy who works there I have no idea.
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