"Cannot be rendered...." Error message

Posted by xavpil 
"Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 25, 2008 10:35PM
I have this message:
"The effect "Blur" cannot be rendered in a sequence of this size with the current gfx card"
Should I take this message litterally or is there a work around?

MAcPro 2x3gHz Quad
4Gb 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM
ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT
Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 25, 2008 11:11PM
when I disregard the message, apply the fx ad try to render, I get this message:
"THe effect .... failed to render: you hardware cannot render at the requested size and depth."
Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 26, 2008 04:58AM
Sounds like an FXplug. How much VRAM do you have?

Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 26, 2008 08:13AM
i had something like this happen on my old ppc.

how many instances of blur are you using? And which blur?

maybe removing the blurs > rendering > copy > new project > paste > add blur > and render to see if that helps.


create a filter pack from one of your clips > save as favorite > then remove all filters > render > export qt self contained > new project > import your movie > drag .mov to TL as 1 long clip > and apply the filter pack > render>>>>> use blade if there are slight filter changes in some parts.

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 26, 2008 08:38AM
oh yeah be sure that only one project is open when you render.

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 26, 2008 09:11AM
>i had something like this happen on my old ppc.

Did you manage to solve it, J. Corbett?

If you're working in a 10 bit sequence (especially HD), FCP defaults rendering to 10 bit high precision rendering. Switching render settings to 8 bits should allow you to render those parts. To render in 10 bits, you may have to switch to a Nvidia Geforce 8800 card.

Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 26, 2008 10:01AM
yes it did solve it for me.

but i don't see where he mentioned HD footage.

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 26, 2008 10:25AM
>but i don't see where he mentioned HD footage.

Because HD footage has higher resolution, and the message is prompted by a graphics card being unable to handle the effect.

>yes it did solve it for me.

That would be a strange workaround if it works at all. Logically, I can't imagine how it would, because just 1 FXplug applied to a clip will prompt that kind of a message if your graphics card isn't powerful enough.

Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 26, 2008 10:54AM
Or you could check this out over the 8800 card. [www.digitalrebellion.com]

Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 26, 2008 10:56AM
Yeah, I second the "really impossibly convoluted workaround" notion.

I believe the Final Cut manual says that you can either render in 8-bit or in "high precision," where "high precision" actually means 32-bit float. There's no 16-bit integer or half-float rendering option in Final Cut; you either demote your 10-bit footage to 8-bit, or promote it all the way up to full float for rendering.

So "high precision" rendering takes a lot more graphics RAM than 8-bit rendering, and is correspondingly slower. It can exceed the limits of the available hardware.

If the choice is to render in 8-bit or not to use the effect you want, I'd try rendering in 8-bit to see if the results are acceptable.

Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 27, 2008 12:49AM
Also to add, it affects only plug ins that uses the GPU (FXplugs).

Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 27, 2008 03:54AM
it works.

in his post there is no mention of hd or uncompressed so i figure he is working in dv. Which is a world i live in.

correct me if i am wrong but more filters means longer more intensive renders. The cuts and superMs create preview & full renders (dark and light green).

Ad a filter or a trans you start getting red and proxy renders. As you build these, renders become crazier.

so what you guys are telling me is.....

that a TL with 4 vtrk ( clip and overlays ) , filter combos , and trans is the same as 1vtrk with filters.

i know you guys know more than me and i rarely disagree. But i do disagree on this point.
on my old school system with a x800 256 card i have seen it work and i have used it to circumvent anticipated long renders also.

BTW, my old school is a dual1.8 g5 purchased 1 month after they were shipping.

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 27, 2008 04:44AM
There are 2 kinds of plug-ins in FCP. FXscript plug ins render off the mac processors, FXplugs renders off the graphics card. FXplugs are plug ins from Motion included after FCP 5.1.2. The message prompt that Xavpil brought up is about the graphics card not being able to handle the bitdepth and resolution of the sequence.

Just ran a google check on the card, and it's the stock card for the macs. And there are guys with that issue too. The workaround is either to swap the graphics card or toggle render settings to 8 bit ("render 10 bit material at high precision YUV" is the default setting in a 10 bit sequence).

>so what you guys are telling me is.....
>that a TL with 4 vtrk ( clip and overlays ) , filter combos , and trans is the same as 1vtrk
>with filters.

What I'm saying is that you can probably run 20 fxscript plug ins in a row on one clip and you still won't get the message prompt. The render bar will turn orange and you'll have an extremely long render time, but you still can render. With that message prompt, you can't.

>so i figure he is working in dv. Which is a world i live in.

In a default DV sequence in FCP, your render setting defaults to 8 bits. If you are getting that message prompt, you may want to check if your editor has changed the settings to high precision rendering. Rendering twice means you have lost 2 generations on your footage.

Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 27, 2008 11:01AM
Just to emphasize something Strypes said: Rendering FXscript effects might take a ridiculously long time, but it can never fail. (Within reason, obviously.)

But an FXplug effect that requires more graphics hardware than you have will simply fail, right up front, with an "I can't do that, I won't even bother trying" message.

Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
September 27, 2008 01:05PM
I see said the blind man.

so i would guess that he may have a 128mb card and since his plug is rendering from card ram 128mb isn't enough.

i have an ati 1900 256mb card. So this is why i can use everything in the fx factory which is what i am thinking is the type of plugs that use card ram.

thanks for clearing that up. MY BAD

BTW that 512 card you showed me strypes is .

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
October 11, 2008 10:29PM
Same problem here. We're completing a feature and have several color correction filters. While coloring in standard 8 bit mode - all effects worked. When shifting to High Precision YUV (Still in 8bit) now getting a similar error. "Gamma-2" is a color correction effect that is causing our issue.

We've separated out the sequence into 4 22 min sections and still running into the same issues.

Mac: Intel 2x2.8 Quad-Core Intel Xeon
MacOS: 10.5.5
FCP 6.0.4
Graphic Card: ATI Radeon HD2600

So is the consensus from the group that the ATI Radeon HD2600 the culprit?
Re: "Cannot be rendered...." Error message
October 12, 2008 07:48AM
>When shifting to High Precision YUV (Still in 8bit)

It is NOT 8 bits. The codec is 8 bits. High precision during rendering is 32-bit float (single precision). There's a lot of data to calculate.

>"Gamma-2" is a color correction effect that is causing our issue.

It has to be an FxPlug. Default FCP plugs (fxscripts) do not cause this issue.

>So is the consensus from the group that the ATI Radeon HD2600 the culprit?

I'm pretty sure it's the card. Not sure if it's not powerful enough, or if it's simply under performing. There's 256MB of VRAM in there, although Magic Bullet Looks specifies quite cryptically "For newer cards from ATI and NVIDIA, we recommend a minimum of 320 MB of RAM." [www.redgiantsoftware.com]
not sure what they mean by "newer cards", though.

Here's another solution you could try out if you have 2 monitors plugged in. Just came across this... Unplug one of the two monitors and render. Weird, but hey, if it works...


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