exporting HD stills

Posted by LukeWarm13 
exporting HD stills
October 22, 2008 08:12PM
Hey guys. I searched the forums but couldn't find an answer. I have a 960x720 project i'm working on in FCP 5. I want to export some still images from the project and retain its aspect ratio. How do you do this? It keeps saving them as 4:3. thanks in advance.
Re: exporting HD stills
October 22, 2008 08:15PM
960x720 is 4:3. 1280x720 is 16:9. YOu will have to adjust the stills in a photo editing app, like Photoshop.


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Re: exporting HD stills
October 23, 2008 06:31AM
>It keeps saving them as 4:3.

Often discussed here, actually... 4:3 and 16:9 refer to Display Aspect Ratio.

960x720 indicates the total pixel count. That's one of the ways certain video formats save on space and storage. It's actually 4:3, if the pixels are displayed as square pixels. So yes, you need to resize it to 1280x720 (or any other dimensions in this ratio), in a photo editing app like Photoshop, as Shane mentioned.

Anonymous User
Re: exporting HD stills
October 23, 2008 11:17AM
i open them up in Photoshop and you can go into IMAGE, then PIXEL ASPECT RATIO. choose the correct one and you're all good.
Re: exporting HD stills
October 23, 2008 01:17PM
Thanks for all the help! I've got them edited in photoshop and they look great.
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