Transferring Project to Another Drive

Posted by TVTerry 
Transferring Project to Another Drive
March 09, 2009 01:17PM
I'm preparing to send a huge project to a DVD dupe house and the client has bought a 250GB Lacie Rugged drive for this purpose. The dupe house wants all the project files and source files so they can encode it using their gear. I picked up the project shortly after it started and got all the project and source files transferred to my drive from the guy who started it. I apparently didn't do this correctly as I had to reconnect tons of elements in each sequence. I'm looking to make this transfer go much smoother (if possible) as the project is WAY bigger than it was at the time of the first transfer. Is there a "proper" way to do this that will eliminate the need to reconnect all those elements? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Terry Kean
Re: Transferring Project to Another Drive
March 09, 2009 01:56PM
> The dupe house wants all the project files and source files so they can encode it using their
> gear.

Are they doing some kind of shot-by-shot correction or compression here? If not, then it doesn't make sense to me that they'd want all your project files and media. First off, letting the editing project file out of the house is a big deal. Second, you're having to copy, store and deal with 20 to 50 times the amount of data than what you actually used.

I'd ask the dupe house why they can't just accept a movie file of the edited film. No raw clips, no FX clips and other media, no project file.

> I apparently didn't do this correctly as I had to reconnect tons of elements in each sequence.

No, I wouldn't say that. Unless your external drive had the exact same file path as the original storage location, your files would go offline. No way to avoid that.

You can try using Media Manager's Copy function to do this, but quite frankly, if somebody had asked me to move an entire project (with all media), I would have done the same thing you had and just done a Reconnect Media. The important thing is that you organize your files well enough so that reconnecting goes quickly and logically. At the very least, use Media Manager to trim the project so you don't have to copy the garbage you didn't use.
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