Further Time Code Burn

Posted by michael rouse 
Further Time Code Burn
June 26, 2009 11:59AM
FCP 6.0.5

Ok got the Timecode Burn figured..(I Effects-Video Filters-Video- TC) printed to MP4 and sent a copy to transciber as well as another editor for review- perfect...

I burned myoriginal input

.now I want to remove it...can't seem to find that option..
is it possible or do I have to I have to redigitiize .....and the lesson being to make a copy of footage that needs a burn?

Thank you,
Re: Further Time Code Burn
June 26, 2009 12:25PM
> I burned myoriginal input
> and the lesson being to make a copy of footage that needs a burn?

Please take your time writing your posts. I can't understand what you're saying.

You also didn't tell us which method you used to create the timecode burn. So we can't tell you how to remove it, either.

Re: Further Time Code Burn
June 26, 2009 12:39PM
Remove it from what? The exported MP4? Can't...that is burned in. But on your timeline? Just remove the filter.

What do you mean you "burned your original input?"


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Re: Further Time Code Burn
June 26, 2009 06:09PM
Sorry for the confusion...I created the TC burn by going to Effects-Video Filters-Video- TC reader
and prompted by Shame I found the 3 time code filters boxes checked in the filters tab that I unchecked and the visible timecode has disappeaered.

so think I'm OK

Again thanks for your help...if any of you ever get to Vancouver ...beer is on me!
Re: Further Time Code Burn
June 26, 2009 09:35PM
If you're not going to use them, it's better to remove the filters than just turn them off, or, possibly I'm just being too finicky, I dunno.

In any case, to remove a filter, double click the clip in the timeline to load it into the viewer, select the name of the filter you want to remove (where the checkboxes you unticked are) on the left hand side in the filters tab (it should go dark grey) and then press the big delete key.

Re: Further Time Code Burn
June 27, 2009 04:01AM
Big argument for using Nick's method in the FAQ (using a blank Text overlay) rather than filters. Applying the Timecode Reader filter to every clip necessitates that you remove it from the clips, and Remove Attributes will not just target the Timecode Reader, so any other intentional filters would also be removed. Whereas if you apply the timecode burn as an overlay object, all you do to remove it is to select and press CONTROL-B (Clip Disable), or shorten it to one second long, or drag a copy to the Browser, delete it from the timeline outright and re-apply it from the Browser later if you need it back.

In my opinion, applying a filter to the actual clips is the worst way to fulfill this task.

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