MJPEG B - is that a good format?

Posted by mindsnare 
MJPEG B - is that a good format?
August 12, 2009 09:45PM

I plan on selling some of my clips and want to know if Motion Jpeg B is a good format?
Pond5 prefers MJPEG-B 85 percent - but other sites have different standards.

Is MJPEG-B a widely accepted format for paid clips? Most of my clips are already iMJPEG-B, a few are in H.264
Thanks for all your wisdom in advance

Re: MJPEG B - is that a good format?
August 12, 2009 11:36PM
Yeah, it's pretty common. ProRes is starting to gain acceptance, but most of the stuff I've gotten in Quicktime format from the major stock houses has been motion JPEG or photo JPEG.

Re: MJPEG B - is that a good format?
August 13, 2009 04:14PM
M-jpeg for interlaced formats, P-jpeg for progressive formats.

ProRes is the most modern of these codecs, and it's 10 bits, compared to 8 bits on the M/P-Jpeg formats, so if you can, you may want to pop a ProRes option.

Re: MJPEG B - is that a good format?
August 16, 2009 10:51AM
The only place I have ever seen this format is coming from a stock house. I never intentionally used it or asked for it nor do I know of anyone personally that used or asked for it.

I vote for ProRes - our studio has converted to all ProRes since January and projects flow much smoother. Looking forward to upgrading the entire Studio in September to FCP 7 & ProRes 4X4.

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