Red footage Log and Transfer problem!

Posted by hunterlee 
Red footage Log and Transfer problem!
April 30, 2010 02:00PM
Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone ran into the same problem that i am having. I was converting my RED footage through Log and Transfer and ran into a few issue. First, it took a few minutes for the Log and Transfer to bring up the footage. Secondly, half of the footage converted in ProRess just came out Green. As if it was filming a green screen. When i pull up the footage back up in Log and Transfer. There is actually footage. But when i try to convert it again. I get just green.
Anyone with the same issue.

Mac Pro
8gigs Ram
Dual Core intel
FCP 6.06
Re: Red footage Log and Transfer problem!
April 30, 2010 07:46PM
Make sure the versions of Redcode and the log-and-transfer plugin you have installed are the versions that are compatible with the firmware version that was running on the camera that shot the footage.

Re: Red footage Log and Transfer problem!
April 30, 2010 07:59PM
What Jeff said.

Try to find out what Build the camera is. If it's MX footage you may have to use REDCINE-X.


- Justin Barham -
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