Still squeezed - even after selecting 16:9

Posted by Jewel 
Still squeezed - even after selecting 16:9
May 10, 2010 10:52AM
OK - so close, but...

The .m2v file output from Compressor is looking squeezed in the preview - that is - I brought the compressed (short test) files home with me over the weekend, and tried to run them through my own DVDSP at home - and MY DVDSP won't import the .m2v file... it says it's the wrong format (weird) - so I did a 'get info' on the m2v file, and didn't see a problem with the file format - but I did look at it in the preview there (under 'get info''s preview) and it looked squeezed.

I also did select 16:9 in DVDSP (as per strypes' tutorial, which was great), and it still looks squeezed in both preview (done on Friday, on another system) & short test outputs...

Shouldn't DVDSP unsqueeze an image if 16:9 is selected? What am I missing here?
Re: Still squeezed - even after selecting 16:9
May 10, 2010 11:39AM
OK - fixed the import problem (project is PAL - so had to select for that)

But the images are still looking squeezed when scrubbing through the DVDSP timeline - even tho 16:9 is selected......?

(Sorry for not posting this in the DVDSP forum - but no one goes over there... I posted over there earlier...)

Re: Still squeezed - even after selecting 16:9
May 10, 2010 12:00PM
Whoops : by 'short test outputs...' I meant short test burns from DVDSP.
Tryin gto address squeeze inside Compressor
May 10, 2010 12:30PM
Since problem seems to be happening in Compressor:
here's what I'm trying now in Compressor):

To create assets:

Other workflows > Advanced format conversions> Standard Def > DV PAL Anamorphic (w/ 48 kHz stereo audio)

Also went back & selected: DVD Fastest encode > Dolby Digital Professional 2.0 Audio
Ugh - still coming out squeezed
May 10, 2010 12:36PM
I don't get it - the (SC QT PAL).mov looked fine, and I selected DV PAL anamorphic in Compressor - why is it still squeezed?

No comprende.
quicktime won't play back m2v's correctly for squeeze?
May 10, 2010 01:50PM
I just heard that this may be the case... since I noticed that when I play the preview in Compressor, it looks squeezed, even though the .mov looked fine before importing into Compressor.

So... but... if quicktime won't play back the .m2v correctly for squeeze, what are my options for reducing file size (to fit on the DVD) and maintaining Aspect ratio? I can't get both?
Re: quicktime won't play back m2v's correctly for squeeze?
May 10, 2010 04:08PM
> and I selected DV PAL anamorphic in Compressor

That just means you've changed the codec. A format usually includes frame size, frame rate, pixel aspect ratio as well as the codec. Most codecs are format specific (eg. DV PAL is different than DV NTSC).
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