Computer Crashes

Posted by Delphinus 
Computer Crashes
August 07, 2006 07:02PM
I am using FCP 4.5HD on a PowerMac G4 with a 1.6 microprocessor and 1 terrabite of memory. I have a fifty minute film (one continuous video clip, one continuous audio clip) on a 200GB internal harddrive that keeps crashing (there are 89GB unused on the drive). It crashes by the screen dimming and a box coming up in four languages indicating I need to restart the machine. It has been happening over the past month or so but until then it never happened in years of using FCP. Any ideas why these crashes are occuring?

Re: Computer Crashes
August 07, 2006 07:20PM
<<<Any ideas why these crashes are occuring?>>>

That happens to us when the System Drive fills up.

Any drive can do that whether or not is being used for the show. It just needs to be connected.


Re: Computer Crashes
August 08, 2006 01:02PM
Thanks for that, but I'm not sure I understand your last comment. What does "It just needs to be connected" refer to? My system drive has 40GB remaining, which ought to be enough to run a 50-minute program, no?
Re: Computer Crashes
August 08, 2006 01:24PM
Run Disk Warrior on all drives. Post back after you do that.

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Re: Computer Crashes
August 08, 2006 03:35PM
Hi Kevin: I zapped the P-Ram and rebuilt the directory of all drives with DiskWarrior prior to the latest crashes. In fact, it just crashed again an hour ago. I'm pretty perplexed.
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