Loosing color correction in multi clip

Posted by J.Corbett 
Loosing color correction in multi clip
August 07, 2006 10:14PM
i had 2 angles shot with dvx100a and dvx100b. the 100b was perfect while the 100a was darker with some redding. so i color corrected the 100a and syynced the clips using in-points.
now when i say make multi-clip the footage from the 100a looks like i have done nuthing to it.

things to know::
once i had color corrected i made the 100a clip a master clip b4 i made them a multi project.

in fact i made the color corrected clip (100a) a master after the image adjustments then again made masters ( 100a and 100b ) when i found my sync. so that i could have a bin with synced color corrected master clips.

i did no color correction to the 100b i just found its sync-point and made it a master that starts at a synced point with corrected 100b

i have never used multi clip b4

another thing, now that i have made color corrected and synced multi-clips, i cant use the color corrected new masters ( 100a or 100b) for pulling b-roll shots without effecting the sync-points.

am i missing something?
Re: Loosing color correction in multi clip
August 10, 2006 04:59AM
is this one of those things that is too odd? maybe this doesnt happen much but i am still having the same problem.

i have done quite a lot of reading and trouble shooting. can some one just take a guess. its probly better than all of mine.
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