OT: Popsicle Raid Redeux
August 09, 2006 08:08PM
With all this talk of the new Mac Pro and the 4 internal drives that can be raided for uncompressed HD...and where would you install the OS...I have to bring up my Popsicle Raid again. My machine has 6 internal drives. 2.5TB total.

I bring it up because, well, as Joe predicted (http://www.lafcpug.org/phorum/read.php?f=1&i=124003&t=123957#reply_124003), the rubber bands started failing. I discovered this when I heard a "clunk" inside my G5 as the band snapped and the drive under the optical hit the metal.

So I had to think of another solution. Here is my solution:

Re: OT: Popsicle Raid Redeux
August 09, 2006 10:07PM
I didn't predict it. I simply stated a fact that heat kills rubber & that rig WILL fall apart. You fought me tooth and nail that this solution was a winner winking smiley

I just hope nothing inside was damaged, Shane.

- Joey

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: OT: Popsicle Raid Redeux
August 09, 2006 10:12PM
Nope...everything was fine.

And I agreed that the rubber bands were a stop-gap measure. Now that I have them screwed into place...this feels permanent.
Re: OT: Popsicle Raid Redeux
August 09, 2006 10:14PM
Good to hear = no damage smiling smiley


When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: OT: Popsicle Raid Redeux
August 09, 2006 10:35PM

This is a no fail 3 drive with cooler setup in my Quad.


Re: OT: Popsicle Raid Redeux
August 09, 2006 10:58PM
Don't know about you, but sounds like backup time to me. Just because there's no damage apparent now doesn't mean there isn't something hidden.
Re: OT: Popsicle Raid Redeux
August 09, 2006 11:16PM
John, that is a nice product. Good call. I might have to get that assembly with the fan in the future. I am also thinking of yanking my second internal drive and adding another 500GB hitachi and adding that to the Raid for a 5 drive raid.

Derek...what is on it is the backup of a G-Raid that is in the shop, and due back Friday. It better hold out until then...
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