importing clips output from Avid
August 10, 2006 12:53AM
I'm trying to import clips output from an Avid that used the animation codec. I can view them in QT, but when I import them they are black. I tried dragging them into the timeline and I can acutally see the little thumbnails, but they are just black footage...

any advice?
Re: importing clips output from Avid
August 10, 2006 01:12AM

While they're in QuickTime, Apple-I them and make sure they are what you think they are.

Avid likes use its own Meridian codec and not tell any body.

You may need to export them from QuickTime to get them to import into FCP. Use best quality Photo JPEG. That will open up anywhere.


Re: importing clips output from Avid
August 10, 2006 01:28AM
But check to see that your Viewer and Canvas aren't set to Wireframe or Alpha.

Just park over one of your clip imports in the timeline. Tap W a couple times to cycle around Image/Image&Wireframe/Wireframe, and shift W to cycle RGB/Alpha channel.

Otherwise, use QT Pro as Koz suggests.

- Loren
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