Audio Pop problem

Posted by JoeE 
Audio Pop problem
August 17, 2006 01:43PM
Here's what's happening. I am working on a 35mm feature, cutting at dv on a 24frm timeline after reverse telecine. Drives are FW. When I have a section where the audio has been rendered to item level (I run 8 tracks at medium quality) and I extend a rendered piece, at the point where the line on the audio goes from blue to green, to indicate unrendered portion of the track, I'm hearing a pop. When I render, sometimes it goes away, but often it doesn't, forcing me to match clip and replace the edit, then render and all is fine.

Kind of a pain. Any ideas?
Re: Audio Pop problem
August 18, 2006 01:52PM
Use a 2 fr. audio cross dissolve.

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