Double system sound workflow

Posted by paul kelleher 
Double system sound workflow
June 26, 2011 03:56PM
Hey Guys- Take a vacation from bashing fcp x and help me'll feel better and so will fcp x

Got a project with maybe 100 clips, shot on canon 5d, sound recorded separately ( 5 Trks), now linked to the correct video I used Pluralize to sync everything. But now I have 100 sequences which Ive renamed to match the scene/take numbers. My browser LOOKS like I want it to, but the fact remains that these are sequences, not clips. Its cumbersome to edit with sequences, so how can I change them to actual clips? I think I could've maybe made diff moves in pluralize or not renamed the sequences until they were clips or something, but thats hindsight..



Re: Double system sound workflow
June 26, 2011 04:09PM
Are they one take/clip per sequence?

You can link the video to the audio in the timeline and then drag the clip into the browser. The new clip will have the synced audio attached nd will load into the viewer as expected.

You know there is a way to edit from sequences where you use the insert/overwrite method? Look in the KB shortcuts window for "insert sequence content".

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: Double system sound workflow
June 26, 2011 06:07PM
No- often they have several takes per sequence

I will check on that KB shortcut-


Re: Double system sound workflow
June 26, 2011 07:53PM
i would take the time to link the audio & video.

working from nests is not a good idea (you lose your original TC for starters)

you can easily put the content of all your synced sequences into a single timeline by dragging them all into a new timeline while holding Apple (Command)

how i've done it in the past:
select all the browser sequences you need except one
hold Apple (Command)
grab the last sequence
drag to the timeline.

now all your original clips are in a timeline and you can go though, select pairs of Pic and Sound, and LINK them with Apple L

then drag them all into a new bin in the browser, and you can start editing.

Re: Double system sound workflow
June 27, 2011 11:28AM
At the very worst, couldn't you export the synched clips as native format and reimport as new master clips, with new timecode, and these become your original source material?

- Loren

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