DVCPro to AIF interleaved for Channel: How to?

Posted by jna 
DVCPro to AIF interleaved for Channel: How to?
July 06, 2011 01:06PM
Hi FCP users,
I am very new to this. I'm a student at UCLA. I need to strip the audio from DVCPro files into four channel interleaved AIFs.

Thank you.
Re: DVCPro to AIF interleaved for Channel: How to?
July 06, 2011 05:53PM
hi Jna

one very simple way would be to open the files into quicktime player 7 (older versions will work, but not QuickTimeX),
open the video properties window (Apple J),
Delete the Video Track,
then save as self contained.

you cant batch this, so if you had 100s of clips to deal with it could get pretty boring.

Re: DVCPro to AIF interleaved for Channel: How to?
July 06, 2011 05:57PM
Or you could bring them into an FCP timeline, gang them so they're stereo (can't remember if interleaved requires stereo), then drag them into a bin in the browser two tracks at a time, name them, and export aiff files. I don't think you can do 4 track aiffs in FCP.

Re: DVCPro to AIF interleaved for Channel: How to?
July 06, 2011 07:51PM
What about a wave file, is there a way to do this creating a wave file?


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Re: DVCPro to AIF interleaved for Channel: How to?
July 06, 2011 09:27PM
you can use Export > Using QuickTime Conversion to convert to Wave,
but it only gives you the option of Mono or Stereo.
so you could get a 2tk interleaved file, but no 4tk.

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