
Posted by rdedits 
September 07, 2011 10:48PM
I've been using this video plug for a lot on some bad camera work lately, even had to use it on some steady cam footage! I tried applying it today to some shots and it made it worse. I usually use the standard settings most of the time and it works great but today it was resizing the shots and had some strange blurring looks to it when the shot would become jumpy. Any suggestions on adjustment settings in SmoothCam to clean this up? And yes I already suggested a new shooter!
Re: "SmoothCam"
September 07, 2011 11:09PM
Nope. What you are seeing is probably motion blur. The reason why it looks odd after smoothcamming is because the direction of motion blur does not match the motion on the object. If you pause on the original frame, you will see that same blurred frame too. To get rid of it, you need to shoot at high shutter speed, and add the motion blur in post to Smolensk smoothen the shot out.

Re: "SmoothCam"
September 07, 2011 11:23PM
Thanks strypes. Why does SmoothCam re-size the shot? Is it isolating the most unsteady part of the image? I personally don't think the shots need anything but this particular producer loves when I use the plug-in.

I just gotta say this again.... smoothcam on steady cam footage... really?
Re: "SmoothCam"
September 07, 2011 11:43PM
Resizing is necessary if you want to smoothen out bumpy footage. Basically it repositions and rotates each frame. Without repositioning, you will get black on the sides of the shot.

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