move project from AVID to FCP7

Posted by Bill Haugse 
move project from AVID to FCP7
May 16, 2012 12:42PM
Any suggestions on moving a project begun on AVID v6.0.0 to FCP 7?

Mixed source materials including some HD and various format archive. Important to preserve sequences already assembled in the AVID cut.

Also looking for somebody who could execute this changeover.

Bill Haugse
Re: move project from AVID to FCP7
May 16, 2012 01:09PM
I would be curious as to why. But more importantly, is it a straight cut with transitions? And what format did you shoot in? There are a few options to send the sequence across- EDL (if it came from tape), Automatic Duck, and sending it via the Davinci Resolve. I would suggest using Automatic Duck for the sequence, and you are probably better off re-ingesting and re-logging the rest of the footage. Switching platforms is inevitably messy.

The only advantage of MC 6 is that you can consolidate/transcode to Prores and export an AAF for automatic duck pro import.

Automatic duck:
Re: move project from AVID to FCP7...and back
May 16, 2012 04:17PM
By the way -- if you have to go the other way - Autoduck works -- but only if you transcode everything to MFX format that AVID likes -- Here are the magic export settings I discovered after a lot of trial and error (haven't tried it back from AVID to FINAL CUT -- found that FCP to AVID using AMA works up until the point you try to re-link the AMA Quicktime Files in AVID - never was able to get it to work.

This is from FCP to AVID

Re: move project from AVID to FCP7...and back
May 16, 2012 04:37PM
> FCP to AVID using AMA works up until the point you try to re-link the AMA
>Quicktime Files in Avid

So you consolidated it to Avid media and you couldn't relink it back? That's interesting. I never knew how Avid relinks to files.

From Avid to FCP, you'll export an AAF. DNxHD worked for me last time, but that is before MC6 and Prores. I would give that a shot to prevent that infamous gamma shift.
Re: move project from AVID to FCP7...and back
May 17, 2012 07:33AM
Hi -sorry if I wasn't clear --

First time (and most times) workign with auto duck FROM FCP to AVID

just did the export with AMA relinking - didn't change any media (it was sometimes XDCAM or DVCPRO HD)

Opened the project file in AVID - opened fine -- did the AMA relinking per Autoducks on line video tutorials - everything lit up yellow saying it was linked (but not really because there's another step to finish the relinking)

It's that last step that never worked but once but I can't remember what I did to make it work) it would just remain yellow and offline no matter what we did

the only thing that DID work - was exporting with those settings i posted above - basically transcoding ALL the materia to AVID MXF Files

THEN moving those files to a folder avid can see (it's standard AVID FILES folder with a numbered 01 or 02 subfolder)

Then importing the project file into AVID - and voila - everything showed up

it's time consuming doing the transcode but it works

if someone knows how to make the AMA relink work without transcoding from FCP to AVID - would love to know

Thanks Andy

PS it didn't seem to work with the Boris transfer either but would love to be educated!
Re: move project from AVID to FCP7...and back
May 19, 2012 05:47AM
Does this work? I've not gone FCP to Avid with Automatic Duck. I did it quite a while ago with EDLs and tape capture. Automatic Duck was a pricey option then.
Re: move project from AVID to FCP7...and back
May 19, 2012 05:41PM
I get to about 4:03 in that demo video and have not been able to get everything to relink - everything before that works -- not sure why
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