xdcam sequence back to disc-how does it lay down files

Posted by mark@avolution 
xdcam sequence back to disc-how does it lay down files
January 02, 2013 12:31PM
I am about, for the first time EVER, use the Export to XDCAM function in FCP 6.03.

Now I know it will write back to the XDCAM as files,
but does it lay it back as the edited files as I have named them
such as "Operator answers phone", then Camera pans across screens", as an example.
Or does it lay the entire sequence down as one file?

Because if it lays down the sequence I would have to put a 1 second slug inbetween clips,
but if it lays down the clips as files (named using make unique-descriptive file name)

I will not be editing the final piece but rather cutting out the foof, and sending to XDCAM
disc to a third party....

I will be doing this later on this afternoon,
and thought I would ask before I tried it....

Re: xdcam sequence back to disc-how does it lay down files
January 02, 2013 12:44PM
It looks like I can only export the sequence, from further googling.

Is there any sneaky way that I can lay down individual clips bak to the XDCAM disc?
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