Hdcam re-edit. Digitize as ProRess Hq or 4444, or something else?

Posted by Ethan 
Hdcam re-edit. Digitize as ProRess Hq or 4444, or something else?
April 18, 2013 12:28PM
Director/producer has decided to cut a scene out of his movie. It is on HDCAM. What codec should we use to cut out the scene, ProRez/Uncompressed. The show originated on Canon Mark III.

All the music has changed too. So I'm getting new tracks, and will cut scene and conform MX at the same time.
Re: Hdcam re-edit. Digitize as ProRess Hq or 4444, or something else?
April 20, 2013 05:07PM
ProRes422 would be fine, as all you are doing it a re-edit, no grading.

then again, ProResHQ will not tax your drives too much, and will make the producers happier.

4444 would be overkill, i suspect.

Re: Hdcam re-edit. Digitize as ProRess Hq or 4444, or something else?
April 21, 2013 12:46PM
Yea, ProRes 4444 is overkill for HDCAM, with no advantages over ProRes HQ, just larger files. Go with ProRes HQ or ProRes, as Nick said.

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