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Errors when rendering and exportingPosted by bellajane
I'm working on a 6 minute sequence which is ready to be rendered and exported, however, when rendering I get an error message that says "Could not read from a render file. Try deleting the render files for this sequence wih the Render Manager." Deleting these files doesn't help. I get "Error:Out of Memory"
Also, when exporting, the program crashes (freezes) within the first minute or so, over and over. I am stuck!! I am saving and working in a secondary internal drive with 50GB left on it. What do I do?
Trash your prefs etc etc.
How big is the project file? FCP version? Video format/resolution? CPU/RAM set up? G5, G4? How much RAM? Trash your prefs etc etc. FCP rescue Is 50Gig the only space you have left to render to as well? If it's just 6 minutes try rendering a low rez mpg4 to somewhere else to see if it's a problem with rendering to your drive. Have you tried cutting and pasting all the clips in the sequence into a new empty sequence? Trash your preferences. If it's still giving you problems it might be a corrupted clip in the sequence. Try cutting it in half and exporting it. If that works try the other half. If only one half worked the other half has some sort of corruption. Do it again with the bad half until you narrow down the clip. Oh yeah trash yer prefs...
Sounds like you could have a project-file corruption as well. Try copying and pasting the sequences to a new project file and render it from there. If that doesn't work, try exporting a movie file without rendering. The export process will render your effects for you. I usually recommend rendering before exporting, but in your case perhaps it would be a viable workaround.
We were getting the same message when an editer let the project size get too big. At that point it was impossible to copy anything out of the project without getting the Error:Out of Memory message. I was able to defeat it by making a copy of the project at the file level, opening it up and deleting all the sequences. I had to do this carefully deleting one thing at a time and saving the project so as to prevent getting the SBBD. Then I opened another copy and deleted everything except for the sequences, in effect creating two projects, Sources and Sequences.
If you have a corrupted project this won't deal with the corruption but it may allow you to copy the sequence into a new project. ak
A few basics:
OSX sees the hard drives as extensions of "memory." "Out Of Memory" errors could apply to **any** hard drive on your system running out of room for any reason. In your case, please make sure that your System Drive has 10% free space. After those basics, then, yes, go into the preferences thing and if possible, throw stuff out or push stuff off to an external drive. In fact, this is where your terrible housekeeping and scattered filing system will totally kill you. If you move the wrong thing, your project will stop playing. Keep good notes. Koz
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