Simple feather question

Posted by stefangs 
Simple feather question
February 09, 2019 08:18AM
Hi all,

I have a split screen video where I'm cropping two tracks, one left, one right. I want to blend them a little using feather, but that feathers all sides, not just the cropped ones. How can I feather just the overlapping section?


macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
Re: Simple feather question
February 09, 2019 01:58PM
The problem of "feathers all sides" does not arise if the half-frame masks are made correctly. You only need to make one. It is most simply made from slug. Crop 50% from left. Apply video filter "Negative". Export one frame of that slug as a tiff. But you can also make a half-white, half-black tiff in Photoshop.

When putting your split screen together apply the Image Mask filter to one shot. Drag the tiff into the filter's little window. Then apply the Mask Feather filter, setting the softness to the desired level. Do the same to the second shot, except with "invert" selected in the Image Mask filter. Put your masked shots one above the other in the timeline and choose Modify>Composite Mode>Add.

FCP7 knows not to feather masks at the frame's left, right, top, or bottom edges.

Dennis Couzin
Berlin, Germany
Re: Simple feather question
February 09, 2019 02:46PM
Thanks Dennis - that's quite a detour, but makes total sense. I'll give that a try.


macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
Re: Simple feather question
February 09, 2019 03:06PM
That worked perfectly!

Thanks again,

macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
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