How to work with 96kHz - 24 bit audio file in FCP7?

Posted by Robert 
How to work with 96kHz - 24 bit audio file in FCP7?
March 28, 2019 05:12PM
Hello Everyone!

Many thanks in advance to anyone reading this. I am making a "slideshow" for a classical music concert. So I am taking still photo tiffs and am editing them into the timeline over the music. I am setting the timeline to Apple Pro Res422HQ, 30p, 1920x1080. (Just to be clear there is no video image to sync to the music.)

I am confused as to what to do with the format of the sound:
The sound engineer has given me a .wav file that is 96kHz and 24 bit.
The sequence is set by default at 48kHz and 32 bit "floating point".

When I drop the engineer's clip into the timeline I do not need to render it and it plays fine, which surprises me.
So my question is do I need to change anything with the audio?
> I presume I should change the sequence setting to 24 bit? How do I do this?
> I think that FCP only handles 48kHz audio. So if need be, how do I convert the engineer's 96kHz .wav to a 48kHz file?

Thank you very much for any advice!!
Kind regards,

I am working on FCP 7.0.3 on a MacBook Pro (mid 2012) on OS 10.8.4.
Re: How to work with 96kHz - 24 bit audio file in FCP7?
March 30, 2019 04:03PM
Robert: Go to Sequence > Settings > General. The audio settings are in the lower right of the pane. You can set the sampling rate at 96 kHz, if you wish. But there is no depth setting for 32-bit floating-point in FCP7. How can your sequence be so set "by default"? I believe you will find that the audio depth is set to 24-bit, and if not you can change it to that.

Dennis Couzin
Berlin, Germany
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