Using Cinema Tools

Posted by Bec 
Using Cinema Tools
November 16, 2006 01:43PM
I am cutting a film that will later go back to a Negative cut. I have a system that I have tested that results in a perfect neg cut list however, there is a glitch and I wonder if there is a more efficient way. Here's what I'm doing...

I import ALE files in to my Cinema Tools data base and export them as an XML batch list into a folder. Then in FCP I import the XML list and batch capture. I go back to Cinima Tools and open a clip, setting the marker on a frame where the keycode is on the A field. Then I batch reverse telecini everthing I had capture just previously. In FCP i reattach the media.

Problem is, when I originally import the XML list into final cut, it brings in every single clip in the cinima tools data base, not just the current day's clips. So then I have to go through and weed out everthing I've already digitized and reversed. This will not work of coarse, as there are to many clips to keep this up. There must be a simpler way. . .

Can I import the telecini log into FCP, digitizie and then somehow export these into cinima tools and into the database where I proceed to reverse telecini?

Re: Using Cinema Tools
November 16, 2006 02:15PM
I always make a seperate cinema tools database for each dailies tape. Later on, when you're ready to generate lists, you will combine them into a single database.
Re: Using Cinema Tools
November 16, 2006 04:49PM
I also make a new database for each dailies tape and once everything is captured and checks out I merge them into a single master database.

Bec Wrote:
> I go back to Cinima Tools and open
> a clip, setting the marker on a frame where the
> keycode is on the A field. Then I batch reverse
> telecini everthing I had capture just previously.
> In FCP i reattach the media.

It has been a while since I had to reverse telecine clips, but can't you just batch reverse telecine all of your new clips at once without having to manually mark the A frame? At least that's the way it worked for me, it finds the A frame using the video timecode--nice and simple.

Of course it is always good practice to check the window burns against the Cinema Tools database--which is what it looks like you're doing.

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