"General Error" when exporting to WMV w/ flip 4 mac

Posted by dcaulwell 
"General Error" when exporting to WMV w/ flip 4 mac
November 19, 2006 03:05PM
"General Error" when exporting to WMV w/ flip 4 mac within FCP4. Any help? Thanks!
Re: "General Error" when exporting to WMV w/ flip 4 mac
November 20, 2006 08:38AM
Something's wrong.

Sorry but you need to post more details.
What codec is your timeline it?
EXACTLY what settings are you using in Flip4Mac?
What versions for all your software (OS, Quicktime, FCP, Flip4Mac)?
Re: "General Error" when exporting to WMV w/ flip 4 mac
November 20, 2006 10:50AM
And make sure the filename and location you are saving to don't contain illegal characters like a backslash.

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