mixing a clip mic...

Posted by Phil UK 
mixing a clip mic...
November 20, 2006 03:54AM
I have an interview with one channel camera mic and one channel clip mic..obviously I dont want to use the camera mic so I have one channel of clip mic. I want it in stereo and was wondering how to pan one channel or double up the one channel into two. Thanks.
Re: mixing a clip mic...
November 20, 2006 10:53AM
> I want it in stereo and was wondering how to pan one channel or double up the one channel > into two. Thanks.

You won't get stereo if you delete one side. Even if you double up the desired track, you'll get dual mono -- increase in volume, but not stereo. Not that you have to have stereo.

To do this, unlink the stereo tracks by pressing OPTION-L. Delete the track you don't want, then copy and paste the remaining track. If you want to be able to adjust both copies of the track at the same time, you can stereo-link them again (OPTION-L). They won't be true stereo, but they'll behave as if they were.

Re: mixing a clip mic...
November 20, 2006 11:57AM
<<<unlink the stereo tracks by pressing OPTION-L....>>>

What he said. The early days of broadcasting proved absolutely that the announcer voice should never be in actual stereo. Too many people drove off the road when the KFOG announcer leaned over to get a tissue and his voice went crazy in their cars.

Dual mono is perfect because the voice seems to be coming from the center.

There is a place for actual stereo. If you have a panel of respected speakers, you can *Cheat Slightly* to match the position of the speaker at the table. After they start talking for real and their picture goes center, the voice should, too.

There is a group of audio people who insist that voices always come from the center and just the room tone be in stereo. That works.

I was sure you were going to ask how to match the sound from the lavalier with the mic on the camera.

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